Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy commonly referred to as “PT”, helps to improve an individual’s gross motor development which involves a person’s larger, stronger muscle groups. For children in particular, Physical Therapy helps to enable a child to hold his/her head up, sit, crawl, and eventually walk, run, jump and skip.
If a child qualifies for PT Services through the developmental screening and evaluation process, therapy services will be provided by a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy Assistant in a child’s natural environment. For children ages birth through two years, this is usually the home or a childcare setting. For children ages three through five years, it is often a preschool setting or another educational setting. The goal of Physical Therapy is to improve a child’s motor skills and increase his/her independence through developing muscle strength, coordination and flexibility.
Targeted Areas for Motor Skill Development:
Developing head and trunk control
Balance and transitional movements
Range of Motion
Coordination through the use of developmental sequences
Development of protective reactions, and inhibition of “primitive reflexes”
Tone adjustment techniques, and special equipment
Sensory Integration